Thursday, 27 June 2013

3D Character Mesh

Here's a 3D Character mesh I've knocked up, that I intend to further model into a template for the Tuatha male characters.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Tweaking Foley Recordings

For one of the foley recording of a very small water fall, I wanted to make this sound a lot bigger than what it was. To add drama to the sound so I used the “ReaXComp” as shown in the image below, the compressor is set to the “SuperSmooth” 3 band preset. The gain of the compressor is set to -3dB.

Audio Processing - 3D Game Dialogue

I didn't have access to a million Euro sound recording studio so my surroundings did introduce some noise into the dialogue recordings. These offending frequencies are easily identified using the REAPERS spectrum analyser and then easily removed using the ReaFIR filter set to SUBTRACT, as show in the image.

3D Progression Chart

Hey everyone.  Here's the progression chart for the first chapter of our 3D game, Conquest: Rise of the Tuatha De Danann.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Programming Update - Escape from Area 51

We've made some good progress on our 2D game, Escape from Area 51.  The menu screens and tutorial levels are functioning pretty well, with the core mechanics of each coded in and simply in need of more finer tuning.  Much of it's still in the prototype stage, but we'll soon be replacing the placeholder assets with finished versions.  Feel free to try out what we've got so far.

Click to move integrated with A* path-finding

After another fix it Friday session we have now integrated click to move with A* path-finding.
We are now slicker than Diablo I. Code snippet shows the core functioality.
 void Start ()
    seeker = GetComponent<Seeker> ();  

void Update ()
    //Start a new path to the targetPosition, return the result to the OnPathComplete function
    seeker.StartPath (transform.position, target.position, OnPathComplete);     

Path-finding on elevated terrain

The ModFathers have been busy in the kitchen. We have baked a NavMesh for our test-terrain and the Combat system is working too. All in all a good day at the office. We're off to Verona to get MAD.

Unity AI Path Finding

The Unity 3D engine does not support path-finding but there is a plugin developed by Aron Grandberg that allows (near) full featured path-finding. It took a session or two to get used to the features of the new plugin but Aron has a very good tutorial on his website. In the image you can see the purple navigation mesh and the green line is the path the character will follow and also avoid obstacles. The character doesn't move yet as we have not got the click to move script to communicate with the path-finding script.